
TRACE Data Monitoring

for IBM I & Oracle DB

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The Features you need

TRACE, our audit & monitoring solution enables your Senior Management, IT Management, and Auditors to have strong internal control over the Database Management System and keep an audit trail. With millions of changes taking place at a database level, how do you pinpoint your high-risk transactions to defeat vulnerabilities of misstatement or fraud? From the IBM i to the Oracle database - we've got you covered!

How does it work?

TRACE Solution FAQ

1What effort is required to implement this tool?
Install and go (a couple of hours)
2What is the risk of installing?
Non-invasive reporting tool. Your data never leaves your system.
3What knowledge do I need prior to using it?
The know-how is already built within the product. With tailored parameters, you can target data breaches or use pre-built reports to easily view and understand those questionable transactions that might put your bottom line at risk.
4Is this product available for a trial?
Yes, free for 30 days without any commitment.